Our Team

Chris Changl

Co-Founder & CEO

Chris is the Co-Founder and CEO at Gradient, who most recently led Studio AI at Netflix. Prior to joining Netflix, Chris held a variety of leadership roles within product at Pinterest, Opendoor, and Meta. Chris started his career in investment banking and holds a dual bachelors degree in computer science and business from UPenn, along with a masters degree in computer science from UPenn.

Tiffany Peng

VP of Engineering

As VP of Engineering, Tiffany leads all of our engineering efforts here at Gradient and came from Lumos where she led consumer product and dev platform. Prior to Gradient, Tiffany spent 6 years leading product and ML engineering at Opendoor - from Series B through IPO. Tiffany holds a bachelors degree in chemical-biological engineering and biology from MIT.

Nghi Nguyen

ML/AI Engineer

Nghi is a ML engineer here at Gradient and has spent more than a decade in machine learning across companies like Meta, A9.com (Amazon), and Splunk. Prior to his career in tech, Nghi was a researcher and mathematician at the US Department of Defense. Nghi holds a bachelors, masters, and PhD in mathematics from UC Berkeley.

Hayden Wilson

Software Engineer

Hayden is one of our first engineers at Gradient and has spent the last decade as a software engineer, working at a variety of AI and ML startups. Hayden builds distributed computing clusters in his spare time, having recently helped build Gradient's 6.1TB VRAM, 16-node research cluster from scratch. Hayden holds a bachelors in computer science from Kansas State University.

Mark Kim-Huang

Co-Founder & CA

Mark is the Co-founder and Chief Architect at Gradient. Prior to Gradient, Mark led ML teams at Splunk and Box, transitioning over from a nearly decade long career as a quantitative portfolio manager at companies like Stevens Capital, Paloma Partners, and TD Securities. Mark holds a dual bachelors degree in mathematics and finance from UPenn.

Leo Pekelis

Chief Scientist

As Gradient's Chief Scientist, Leo leads our research team. Prior to Gradient, Leo led CloudTruck's ML and data science teams. Prior to CloudTrucks, Leo held a variety of leadership roles across notable companies like Opendoor, Optimizely, and Disney. Leo holds a bachelors degree in economics from Stanford, as well as a masters and PhD in statistics from Stanford.

Adrian Miguel

Software Engineer

Adrian is one of our first software engineers at Gradient and was most recently at Fysical (acquired by Gimbal), working on high-performance location data software. Prior to Fysical, Adrian was at BevSpot where he built their core food and beverage management software from scratch. Adrian holds a bachelors degree in computer science from MIT.

Erin McCarthy

ML/AI Engineer

Erin is one of our ML engineers at Gradient, joining us from Meta where she spent the past few years working on machine learning. Prior to Meta, Erin was at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory working on scalable ML - implementing distributed I/O in LBANN. Erin holds a bachelors degree in computer science from Scripps College and a masters in computer science from University of Oregon.

Forrest Moret

Co-Founder & CTO

Forrest is the Co-Founder and CTO at Gradient. Forrest is no stranger to startups, having helped launch and grow many many along the way. Prior to Gradient, Forrest spent over a decade in a variety of leadership roles within notable companies like Google and Opendoor. Forrest holds a bachelors degree in computer science from MIT.

Nathan Lam

VP of Marketing

Nathan is the VP of Marketing at Gradient, responsible for Gradient's brand and GTM efforts. Most recently, Nathan led marketing across commerce and fintech at Meta. Prior to Meta, Nathan held a variety of leadership roles at Box, Uber, Amazon, and Microsoft. Nathan holds a bachelors degree in business from the University of Washington and a masters degree in information systems from the University of Washington.

Brian James

AI Product Engineer

Brian is a AI product engineer here at Gradient. Prior to joining Gradient, Brian was UX Engineer at Google, working on Flutter—the open-source application development framework. Before heading into tech, Brian taught design at Parsons School of Design and St. John’s University. Brian holds a M.F.A. in Graphic Design from the Rhode Island School of Design.

Michael Feil

AI Engineer

Michael is one of our AI engineers at Gradient. Prior to joining, Michael was ML engineer at Rodhe & Schwarz focusing on LLM research and was a researcher at both Max-Plank Institute for Intelligent Systems and Bosch Rexroth. Michael is a frequent contributor to various open-source inference libraries for LLMs and open-source projects such as StarCoder. Michael holds a bachelors degree in mechatronics and IT from KIT and a masters in robotics from Technical University of Munich.

Mateusz Haligowski

Senior Software Engineer

Mateusz is one of our senior software engineers at Gradient who spent the last 4 years at Google working on Google BigQuery. Prior to Google, Mateusz worked at notable companies including Meta, Amazon, and a variety of other tech companies. Mateusz holds a bachelors in econometrics from the University of Gdansk, a masters in econometrics from the University of Gdansk, and a masters in computer science from the the Gdansk University of Technology.

Stewie Zhu

Global Partnerships Advisor

Stewie is our Global Partnerships Advisor, ensuring deep collaboration with international institutions. As a successful entrepreneur, Stewie has co-founded multiple startups and achieved two notable exits in the FinTech and Blockchain sectors. With over 12 years of experience as an active investor and advisor, Stewie brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to our team. He holds an MS degree from Yale, an MFE from Oxford University, and a PhD in finance from the London School of Economics.

Meet the team that's responsible for the magic behind Gradient.

Meet the team that's responsible for the magic behind Gradient.

Chris Changl

Co-Founder & CEO

Chris is the Co-Founder and CEO at Gradient, who most recently led Studio AI at Netflix. Prior to joining Netflix, Chris held a variety of leadership roles within product at Pinterest, Opendoor, and Meta. Chris started his career in investment banking and holds a dual bachelors degree in computer science and business from UPenn, along with a masters degree in computer science from UPenn.

Tiffany Peng

VP of Engineering

As VP of Engineering, Tiffany leads all of our engineering efforts here at Gradient and came from Lumos where she led consumer product and dev platform. Prior to Gradient, Tiffany spent 6 years leading product and ML engineering at Opendoor - from Series B through IPO. Tiffany holds a bachelors degree in chemical-biological engineering and biology from MIT.

Nghi Nguyen

ML/AI Engineer

Nghi is a ML engineer here at Gradient and has spent more than a decade in machine learning across companies like Meta, A9.com (Amazon), and Splunk. Prior to his career in tech, Nghi was a researcher and mathematician at the US Department of Defense. Nghi holds a bachelors, masters, and PhD in mathematics from UC Berkeley.

Hayden Wilson

Software Engineer

Hayden is one of our first engineers at Gradient and has spent the last decade as a software engineer, working at a variety of AI and ML startups. Hayden builds distributed computing clusters in his spare time, having recently helped build Gradient's 6.1TB VRAM, 16-node research cluster from scratch. Hayden holds a bachelors in computer science from Kansas State University.

Mark Kim-Huang

Co-Founder & CA

Mark is the Co-founder and Chief Architect at Gradient. Prior to Gradient, Mark led ML teams at Splunk and Box, transitioning over from a nearly decade long career as a quantitative portfolio manager at companies like Stevens Capital, Paloma Partners, and TD Securities. Mark holds a dual bachelors degree in mathematics and finance from UPenn.

Leo Pekelis

Chief Scientist

As Gradient's Chief Scientist, Leo leads our research team. Prior to Gradient, Leo led CloudTruck's ML and data science teams. Prior to CloudTrucks, Leo held a variety of leadership roles across notable companies like Opendoor, Optimizely, and Disney. Leo holds a bachelors degree in economics from Stanford, as well as a masters and PhD in statistics from Stanford.

Adrian Miguel

Software Engineer

Adrian is one of our first software engineers at Gradient and was most recently at Fysical (acquired by Gimbal), working on high-performance location data software. Prior to Fysical, Adrian was at BevSpot where he built their core food and beverage management software from scratch. Adrian holds a bachelors degree in computer science from MIT.

Erin McCarthy

ML/AI Engineer

Erin is one of our ML engineers at Gradient, joining us from Meta where she spent the past few years working on machine learning. Prior to Meta, Erin was at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory working on scalable ML - implementing distributed I/O in LBANN. Erin holds a bachelors degree in computer science from Scripps College and a masters in computer science from University of Oregon.

Forrest Moret

Co-Founder & CTO

Forrest is the Co-Founder and CTO at Gradient. Forrest is no stranger to startups, having helped launch and grow many many along the way. Prior to Gradient, Forrest spent over a decade in a variety of leadership roles within notable companies like Google and Opendoor. Forrest holds a bachelors degree in computer science from MIT.

Nathan Lam

VP of Marketing

Nathan is the VP of Marketing at Gradient, responsible for Gradient's brand and GTM efforts. Most recently, Nathan led marketing across commerce and fintech at Meta. Prior to Meta, Nathan held a variety of leadership roles at Box, Uber, Amazon, and Microsoft. Nathan holds a bachelors degree in business from the University of Washington and a masters degree in information systems from the University of Washington.

Brian James

AI Product Engineer

Brian is a AI product engineer here at Gradient. Prior to joining Gradient, Brian was UX Engineer at Google, working on Flutter—the open-source application development framework. Before heading into tech, Brian taught design at Parsons School of Design and St. John’s University. Brian holds a M.F.A. in Graphic Design from the Rhode Island School of Design.

Michael Feil

AI Engineer

Michael is one of our AI engineers at Gradient. Prior to joining, Michael was ML engineer at Rodhe & Schwarz focusing on LLM research and was a researcher at both Max-Plank Institute for Intelligent Systems and Bosch Rexroth. Michael is a frequent contributor to various open-source inference libraries for LLMs and open-source projects such as StarCoder. Michael holds a bachelors degree in mechatronics and IT from KIT and a masters in robotics from Technical University of Munich.

Mateusz Haligowski

Senior Software Engineer

Mateusz is one of our senior software engineers at Gradient who spent the last 4 years at Google working on Google BigQuery. Prior to Google, Mateusz worked at notable companies including Meta, Amazon, and a variety of other tech companies. Mateusz holds a bachelors in econometrics from the University of Gdansk, a masters in econometrics from the University of Gdansk, and a masters in computer science from the the Gdansk University of Technology.

Stewie Zhu

Global Partnerships Advisor

Stewie is our Global Partnerships Advisor, ensuring deep collaboration with international institutions. As a successful entrepreneur, Stewie has co-founded multiple startups and achieved two notable exits in the FinTech and Blockchain sectors. With over 12 years of experience as an active investor and advisor, Stewie brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to our team. He holds an MS degree from Yale, an MFE from Oxford University, and a PhD in finance from the London School of Economics.

Meet the team that's responsible for the magic behind Gradient.

Meet the team that's responsible for the magic behind Gradient.

Chris Chang

Co-Founder & CEO

Chris is the Co-Founder and CEO at Gradient, who most recently led Studio AI at Netflix and was an architect of early domain expert LLMs for content production and intelligence. Prior to joining Netflix, Chris held a variety of leadership roles at Pinterest, Opendoor, and Meta. Chris started his career in finance and holds a dual bachelors degree in computer science and business, and a master degree in computer science from UPenn.

Tiffany Peng

VP of Engineering

As VP of Engineering, Tiffany leads all of our engineering efforts here at Gradient and came from Lumos where she led consumer product and dev platform. Prior to Gradient, Tiffany spent 6 years leading product and ML engineering at Opendoor - from Series B through IPO. Tiffany holds a bachelors degree in chemical-biological engineering and biology from MIT.

Nghi Nguyen

ML/AI Engineer

Nghi is a ML engineer at Gradient and has spent more than a decade in machine learning across companies like Meta, A9.com (Amazon), and Splunk. Prior to his career in tech, Nghi was a researcher and mathematician at the US Department of Defense. Nghi holds a bachelors, masters, and PhD in mathematics from UC Berkeley.

Mateusz Haligowski

Software Engineer

Mateusz is one of our software engineers at Gradient who spent the last 4 years at Google working on Google BigQuery. Prior to Google, Mateusz worked at notable companies including Meta, Amazon, and others. Mateusz holds a bachelors in econometrics from the University of Gdansk, a masters in econometrics from the University of Gdansk, and a masters in computer science from the the Gdansk University of Technology.

Stewie Zhu

Global Partnerships Advisor

Stewie is our Global Partnerships Advisor, ensuring deep collaboration with international institutions. As a successful entrepreneur, Stewie has co-founded multiple startups and achieved two notable exits in the FinTech and Blockchain sectors. With over 12 years of experience as an active investor and advisor, Stewie brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to our team. He holds an MS degree from Yale, an MFE from Oxford University, and a PhD in finance from the London School of Economics.

Mark Kim-Huang

Co-Founder & CA

Mark is the Co-founder and Chief Architect at Gradient. Prior to Gradient, Mark led ML teams at Splunk and Box, leading research on streaming ML transitioning over from a nearly decade long career as a quantitative portfolio manager at companies like Stevens Capital, Paloma Partners, and TD Securities. Mark holds a dual bachelors degree in mathematics and finance from UPenn.

Leo Pekelis

Chief Scientist

As Gradient's Chief Scientist, Leo leads our research team. Prior to Gradient, Leo led CloudTruck's ML and data science orgs pioneering applied ML to operational challenges. Prior to CloudTrucks, Leo held leadership roles across Opendoor, Optimizely, and Disney. Leo holds a bachelors degree in economics from Stanford, as well as a masters and PhD in statistics from Stanford.

Adrian Miguel

Software Engineer

Adrian is one of our first software engineers at Gradient and was most recently at Fysical (acquired by Gimbal), working on high-performance location data software. Prior to Fysical, Adrian was at BevSpot where he built their core food and beverage management software from scratch. Adrian holds a bachelors degree in computer science from MIT.

Erin McCarthy

ML/AI Engineer

Erin is one of our ML engineers at Gradient, joining us from Meta where she spent the past few years working on machine learning and early LLMs. Prior to Meta, Erin was at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory working on scalable ML - implementing distributed I/O in LBANN. Erin holds a bachelors degree in computer science from Scripps College and a masters in computer science from University of Oregon.

Forrest Moret

Co-Founder & CTO

Forrest is the Co-Founder and CTO at Gradient. Forrest was previously an engineering lead at Google building distributed serverless ML systems, and scaling out their technology to support exabyte-scale processing. He was also a founding engineer at Table, pioneering causal inference modeling for e-commerce. Forrest holds a bachelors degree in computer science from MIT.

Nathan Lam

VP of Marketing

Nathan is the VP of Marketing at Gradient, leading Gradient's brand and GTM efforts. Most recently, Nathan led marketing across commerce and fintech at Meta. Prior to Meta, Nathan held a variety of leadership roles at Box, Uber, Amazon, and Microsoft. Nathan holds a bachelors degree in business from the University of Washington and a masters degree in information systems from the University of Washington.

Hayden Wilson

Software Engineer

Hayden is one of our first engineers at Gradient and has spent the last decade as a software engineer, working at a variety of AI and ML startups. Hayden builds distributed computing clusters in his spare time, having recently helped build Gradient's 6.1TB VRAM, 16-node research cluster from scratch. Hayden holds a bachelors in computer science from Kansas State University.

Brian James

AI Product Engineer

Brian is a AI product engineer here at Gradient. Prior to joining Gradient, Brian was UX Engineer at Google, working on Flutter—the open-source application development framework. Before heading into tech, Brian taught design at Parsons School of Design and St. John’s University. Brian holds a M.F.A. in Graphic Design from the Rhode Island School of Design.

Michael Feil

AI Engineer

Michael is one of our AI engineers at Gradient. Prior to joining, Michael was a ML engineer at Rodhe & Schwarz focusing on LLM research and was a researcher at both Max-Plank Institute for Intelligent Systems and Bosch Rexroth. Michael is a leading contributor to various open-source inference libraries for LLMs and open-source projects such as StarCoder. Michael holds a bachelors degree in mechatronics and IT from KIT and a masters in robotics from Technical University of Munich.

Stewie Zhu

Global Partnerships Advisor

Stewie is our Global Partnerships Advisor, ensuring deep collaboration with international institutions. As a successful entrepreneur, Stewie has co-founded multiple startups and achieved two notable exits in the FinTech and Blockchain sectors. With over 12 years of experience as an active investor and advisor, Stewie brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to our team. He holds an MS degree from Yale, an MFE from Oxford University, and a PhD in finance from the London School of Economics.